Welcome to GrowBook.org

GrowBook.org is a websitesite from growers for growers. We offer a Forum, a Wiki, a Growlog section and a Strain-Browser.

We are not a shop, we sell nothing, especially not our usrdata. And we are not a trading platform for cannabis. Trading cannabis on this site leads inevitably to a ban!!!


With using this site you accept the use of required cookies. We use a seesion cookie for our login process. This also allows us to keep you logged in when you close your browser, if you don't delete cookies when you close the browser. If you delete cookies when you close the browser, you might want to add www.growbook.org to your exceptions.

We don't use any tracking cookies. We don't even use Google Analytics. User settings, except the user timezone, which is stored in the session-cookie too, are stored in our database and not in cookies. To use your preferences, you need to log in.

User data

We also don't perform a validation check on your email-address. If you use an invalid email-adress you won't be able to reset your password! It's up to you to use a valid one. We don't change your email-address after creating an account. The only thing required next to an email-address is a username for our forum and for our wiki.

Legal disclaimer

We can not be held responsible for any of your actions against the law. Check your local law, if it is legal for you to grow cannabis. If it is illegal for you to grow cannabis, it's YOU breaking the law and not us! You are responsible for your actions and not we!